Thursday, 8 January 2015

Hello 2015 ♡

So it's a new year, a fresh start, a clean slate.. whatever you want to call it. To me, January 1st means changes for the better, resolutions, lists and a heap load of organizing. Being a list and stationary fanatic, this is very magical and exciting. I make resolutions every year without fail, but I can't always be so positive with the outcome. Normally, throughout the year, old habits start creeping back and new routines get thrown out of the picture. I know everyone says this, but 2015 really will be a successful, happy year. I thought I would share a couple of my New Years Resolutions with you, maybe if I write them down, they will be more concrete. I hope many of you are also feeling motivated and inspired this year. 

1) Be healthier- I know, such a generic aim. I mean why wait for the 1st of January to begin treating your body right? But I am determined to make this work. I want to eat healthily and exercise more. A partial reason for this is weight loss. I have never really been happy with my weight and I have some parts that I would like to slim down and tone. I'm not just doing this to become  'prettier' or 'more attractive' (because personality certainly overrules looks!) but I want to feel happier and more confident. Secondly, I want to feel the other benefits- such as clearer skin, more stamina, feeling less tired and groggy all the time. In order to do this, I will drink more water, eat less crap, walk more and go to bed a LOT earlier! 

2) Be more creative- I am going to get off of my phone/computer and start doing activities in which I can express myself and learn from. I will admit that I'm one of those people who always has my phone glued to my hand, It has damaged my eye sight and gives me headaches. I want to start drawing more (something which I love doing but never feel like I have enough time). I created a new instagram account @jennies_sketches in case you would like to follow it. I love drawing, it brings out the best in me and inspires me.  I intend to write more (stories, diary, etc). I like having hard, physical copies of my thoughts, as opposed to on my computer, where it could get lost or deleted easily. Also, I want to read more, this is essential anyway as I am an AS Level English Student but I want to increase my knowledge of culture and experiences, and use it as a way to unwind and switch off my mind for a couple of hours. It will also improve my vocabulary and perhaps inspire me to write my own book one day, who knows? I want to read more of the classics such as Pride and Prejudice, Othello, Dracula, Frankenstein, etc. In total, I will read at least 2 books a month, giving a total of 24  books in a year. I want to learn the piano confidently and maybe even try my hand at the guitar. 

3) Start a scrapbook- This ties in with my creative side and the budding artist in me, but I love the idea of being able to flip back through the year and see the amazing memories and even the minor details which may otherwise have been forgotten in months or years to come. It's also an opportunity to take more photos of what I do and have them printed out, so I remember to look back through them. Anyone else have those folders of photos from years ago stored away somewhere in the depths of your computer? I was inspired by Lily Pebbles' video:  I won't be spending all my money on the kit she used, but I will decorate it with what I can find.

4) Work harder and stop procrastinating- I'm going to put both hands up and say that I'm probably one of the laziest people you will meet. I leave my homework until the night (or early morning) before it's due and I never revise. Luckily, I passed my GCSEs last year but I could have done a whole lot better if I had revised. So I'm aiming to do my work to a high ability in a decent time and stop procrastinating. I need to learn to switch off my music or the tv and concentrate more. I will start revising a lot earlier this year and aim to deserve good grades. Also, I'll stop being late for school!

5) Become more organized and independent- I am always the friend who is late for everything, whether it be school or meeting up with friends. I am terrible with time management and I want to improve this drastically this year. I've bought myself a diary and I intend on writing all my appointments and events down, to keep track and feel more calm. Also, I will carry on writing to-do lists in my notebook to stay organized and efficient. Also, I want to be a lot more independent. I never used to go out by myself or use public transport very often. This year has a lot of opportunities for me, one of which being travelling to London daily this summer for work experience. So, I will need to gain confidence in using the underground and trains by myself. This will be a big step for me. You may be happy to hear, that I will be blogging and uploading YouTube videos much more often. 

6) Be more confident and have fun- This year will be my best year yet. I will go out more, experience new things and meet more amazing, adventurous people. I want to have reckless times, travel to new places and do things that I will never forget. This sounds cheesy, I know, but I have always been a very introverted person, consumed by my thoughts and preferring to stay at home watching films than go out. I normally held myself back and declined invitations and I think this was due to my lack of confidence and shy personality. This year I intend to work on my confidence and become a more outgoing, fun and bold person. You never know, I may be painting the town red sooner than I know it. 

I will keep this resolutions this year and I hope I've inspired at least one person to improve their life this year. Feel free to leave your goals in the comments below. Happy New Year. Stay happy and healthy!

Jennie, xo

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